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Representation by Stephen Calloughway

Date submitted
2 November 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have some potentially significant concerns over the scope and robustness of the EIA that has been undertaken for this project. I have, to date, not been through the full set of documents but, as an example: The project seeks to develop a system of CO2 pipelines to gather emissions from other industrial facilities. I have not seen an assessment of the emissions from off-site carbon capture and, therefore. the cumulative impact of multiple sources of amines and their derogation products has not been determined. This is particularly important for human health given the carcinogenic properties of some of these substances. Should the likely cumulative impact be significant, some of the capture facilities envisaged by the applicant may not be brought forward. This would have a significant bearing on the scope of compulsory acquisition powers that the final DCO could grant - ie, some parts of the CO2 pipeline network, as proposed, could be unnecessary. I am currently going through the application and will likely have other comments to make in my written representation. However, I note the requirement to outline my main points in this form. I would be grateful if you could confirm if further comments at a later stage are possible, or whether I should delay my registration as an interested party in order for me to provide a full outline of all issues that I find.