Back to list The Net Zero Teesside Project

Representation by Network Rail Infrastructure Limited (Network Rail Infrastructure Limited)

Date submitted
17 December 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Network Rail is a statutory undertaker responsible for maintaining and operating the railway infrastructure and associated estate. It owns, operates, maintains and develops the main rail network. Network Rail aims to protect and enhance the railway infrastructure therefore any proposed development which is in close proximity to the railway line or could potentially affect Network Rail’s specific land interests, will need to be carefully considered. Please note that Network Rail has not been able to fully review the DCO application material and consult with the necessary departments within Network Rail in order to produce a comprehensive Relevant Representation. Network Rail therefore reserves its position to supplement and add to this Relevant Representation. Impact on Network Rail Infrastructure Network Rail has been reviewing the information provided and note that proposals include the installation of pipelines under the railway and works in proximity to the operational railway environment in the Teesside area. At this stage the information supplied is not sufficiently detailed to fully assess potential impacts of the scheme on the railway and further information will be required to properly respond on the likely impacts of the proposed scheme. In order to ensure that the scheme does not impact on operational railway safety, the developer must liaise closely with Network Rail Asset Protection and Property Teams to acquire the necessary licences/land ownership rights to implement the scheme and also to ensure that the design and construction of the proposed scheme, including the proposed pipelines, will not have an adverse impact on railway operations. It is therefore assumed that a condition of the Order would be that detailed specifications and plans of the scheme and the associated pipelines are to be provided and agreed in writing before development can commence. We understand that the developer has already undertaken discussions with Network Rail in relation to several preliminary projects throughout this site, and further engagement will be required as the scheme progresses. Network Rail will be seeking protection from the exercise of compulsory purchase powers over operational land either for permanent or temporary purposes. In addition, Network Rail will wish to agree protection for the railway during the course of the construction works and otherwise to protect our undertaking and land interests. In addition, any rights for power or other lines under, over or alongside the railway line will require appropriate asset protection measures deemed necessary by Network Rail to protect the operational railway and stations. We have standard protective provisions which will need to be included in the DCO as a minimum. In addition a number of legal and commercial agreements will need to be entered into, for example, asset protection agreements, , method statements, connection agreements, property agreements and all other relevant legal and commercial agreements. This list is not exhaustive and will need to be reviewed once more details of the scheme are discussed between the parties. Consideration should be given to ensure that the construction and subsequent maintenance can be carried out without adversely affecting the safety of, or encroaching upon Network Rail’s adjacent land. In addition, security of the railway boundary will require to be maintained at all times. In any event you must contact Network Rail’s Asset Protection Engineers as soon as possible in relation to this scheme on the following e-mail address Network Rail is prepared to discuss the inclusion of Network Rail land or rights over land subject to there being no impact on the operational railway, all regulatory and other required consents being in place and appropriate commercial and other terms having been agreed between the parties and approved by Network Rail's board. Network Rail also reserves the right to make additional comments once we have evaluated the proposals in more detail.