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Representation by Northern Powergrid (Northeast) PLC (Northern Powergrid (Northeast) PLC)

Date submitted
17 December 2021
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The following representations are submitted on behalf of Northern Powergrid (Northeast) PLC (“Northern Powergrid”) as an electricity undertaker for the area within which the Net Zero Teeside Project is located: Northern Powergrid is in principle supportive of the above project but has concerns regarding the impacts the proposed scheme will have on existing assets and their ability to serve clients in the future. Northern Powergrid’s primary duties are to operate, maintain and develop its network in an economic, efficient and coordinated way. Northern Powergrid’s rights to retain its apparatus in situ and rights of access to inspect, maintain, renew and repair such apparatus located within or in close proximity to the order limited should be maintained at all times and access to inspect such apparatus must not be restricted. Areas shown within the order limits contain a significant amount of Northern Powergrid’s existing critical national infrastructure which serves a great number of customers in the local and wider area. The proposed development directly interferes with the existing apparatus and insufficient information has been provided to date to enable Northern Powergrid to adequately assess the impact that the proposed development will have on their network. In particular, Northern Powergrid have concerns regarding the proposed development sterilising land and the lack of information regarding how Northern Powergrid will be able to access and maintain their apparatus located within such areas. Where 24 hour access cannot be provided it will be imperative for Northern Powergrid to relocate their apparatus. Having reviewed the draft DCO documents, Northern Powergrid is not satisfied that the DCO includes adequate land rights for works required to relocate their apparatus or to afford them with the necessary rights to access and maintain their apparatus. Aside from the ability to retain access rights, Northern Powergrid has concerns regarding the proposed development effectively creating a north/south border through the order limits. This will have significant impact on Northern Powergrid’s ability to serve customers or, for example, provide connection to third parties or undertake reinforcement works unless the design of the works is carried out in close consultation with Northern Powergrid. The DCO application contains little detail on the impacts or how they will be mitigated or indeed how the detailed design of the scheme will take into account Northern Powergrid's requirements. In addition to the technical impacts of the proposed development, Northern Powergrid have concerns over the proposed protective provisions contained within the draft order as they do not take into account site specific issues and do not accord with Northern Powergrid’s standard protective provision requirements. Northern Powergrid is keen to engage with the applicant’s legal representative to agree appropriate amendments.