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Representation by Julian Flood

Date submitted
27 January 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The BESS technology is not specified. This means no assessment of safety, noise pollution etc can be made. The application should be withdrawn and resubmitted including battery technology details. The application vastly exaggerates the capacity factor of the solar technology, skewing the application towards the positive. The disruption of the villages by HGV movements is not mentioned, nor is mitigation of same. The HSE have refused to assess the dangers of fires in the BESS, particularly gas emissions/explosive potential.. This leaves inexpert councils to judge something they are not competent to deal with. The applicant should pay for an independent study in the public domain to do so and resubmit the application including these details. No independent assessment of land quality has been carried out. Those opposing the application should be given legally mandated access to carry out an unbiased assessment. JF