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Representation by Gemma Shaw

Date submitted
27 January 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Hello my name is Gemma, [Redacted] and live in the area. I’d like to put across please some concerns of the application. Solar, is, and number ones goal is to unharm the environment, the planet and species in it. How is this happening and that we be can assured this will happen. What are the parties intending on doing with the wildlife that is there, have they found arrangements for the animals or simply pushing them out of their habitats and hope for the best or no concern at all. Where are going? Wetland, withoutout our wetlands we will be prone to flooding on a mass scale distribution to the area this will change the impact of nature. Are they aware of the size of this for when this happens to be able to cover for damages and unconvince caused. Can we be assured it is safe and does not let off any type of radiation or if broken let off anything harmful ect on such a big scale and will not affect those living around in the future and their children are 100% safe. The ground, after this process is the ground then unusable to produced if needed for emergency food to roduce or will this taint the soil. Why is it so very big it? ‘Because it’s in the middle of nowhere? It’s not it’s up the road from bury st Edmunds Newmarket and Cambridge. Is the project 100% safe? And in 30 years time outer child will not have any other medical conditions due to this gigantic solar farm? The whole point in this is to save the planet but on such a large scale it is doing the opposite for the environment. I am completely a Green Party and agree with all measures possible to help this process. Is the energy collected only used in England or will this be sold off to other countries for profit. Therefore is just for making money the initial goal has gone and the people around it will have to deal with that. Does the community in catchment areas gain anything from this huge producer. Are house prices going to drop around it? My suggestion here is why is it so very large in just one specific area ‘it has to be somewhere’ well yes but why isn’t it spread out? Why can it not be spread out have wind turbines been considered these seem more natural friendly. People who live in the area behind all the paperwork will have to live by this. Have they got plans involved to let older generations know they are living in a 100 % safe area have they thought about people’s mental health and animals. Where are they giving them a new home? The prodject is far too big anyone living in the area actually had to live in it. The people reading these are not nessarioy living in it. I’d like to know to know this is 100% safe and if on a smaller scale would be considered. We don’t feel it’s fair to have it in one place when it benifit s no one around it. It will go on the grid and off shore and we have to deal with that. The country side is the country side eventually they’ll be no countryside. Is there an alternative such as wind turbines like I mentioned previously. Once this up this it’ll forever be gone. Can they be built on roofs to not harm the environment and animals. Is there any sort of law where animal and environment protection is envioved. Would they consider down sizing and compromising. Thankyou for having the time to read through my concerns I hope you can take into consideration all points made by people around the area.