Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Coral Fuller

Date submitted
27 January 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Opposition of Sunnica Energy Farm on the scale intended. Impact on infrastructure due to multiple vehicles including HGVs during installation over a 2 year period leading to already congested roads being blocked. Destruction of large swathes of farmland within a farming community at a time when the country needs to become more self sufficient and produce home grown food resource. Destruction of wildlife habitats on a large scale in an area already largely impacted by housing developments causing displacement of wildlife into developed areas or onto main roads. Impact and blocking of foortpaths to the general public at a time when the mental health crisis has deepened. Being able to walk in the countryside and enjoy these views had a positive impact on those suffering with mental health and I firmly believe that the impact of the solar plant will deepen the crisis and undo the work done to improve mental health. Risk to lives regarding installation of lithium batteries close to a primary school in Red Lodge and no plans by Sunica regarding waste disposal or recycling during decommissioning. Risk of flooding which has been demonstrated in similar scale plants. All of the above are just some of the reasons I oppose this scheme.