Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Andrew Younger

Date submitted
27 January 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Why is this project being constructed on prime farmland? That does not make any sense. Why is there an intention to use a battery storage system which has a record of bursting into flames and releasing toxic gases? Especially as there are no means available to extinguish such a blaze except allowing it to burn out. Why has no consideration been made for the environment during the construction, use and decommissioning of this array? It is as if a giant industrial factory is to be built over the landscape without any regulation of waste disposal, as it would appear that disposal of the solar panels is to bury them, which would be an additional ticking bomb for the environment. It would also appear that this company has been created by speculators with the intention to sell off at a profit as soon as construction is complete. Who then would be responsible for any liability? 1. Safety of the battery storage units. It would appear that if one should catch fire, and there are a number of recorded instances, the plan is to just let it burn, with no concern for residents. 2. Loss of farmland and the open countryside. This area is prime vegetable growing land. Not much point in going carbon zero with energy if you have to fly your vegetables in from Spain. It also might be normal for you city folk to live surrounded by security fencing, but to us here in the country it will be like being in prison. 3. This is our land. This is where our children grow up and their children also. You have no right to turn it into a power station just to make yourselves feel better about "Carbon".