Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Joanne Cant

Date submitted
27 January 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I strongly oppose this application. I am not opposed to green energy or indeed solar farms. I oppose it due to the size, its location (which is far too close to villages & towns), the fact that they propose to use large lithium batteries to store energy which have been proven at other sites to be unsafe & if they catch fire can not be put out. The land that Sunnica wish to use is currently used to grow food, if we loose all this land we may have to import more food which in the long term creates more pollution & more carbon footprint. The loss of wildlife will be considerate & the impact on people living close by mental health will deteriorate. Many local people use these fields for walks & for some these walks were a lifeline during lockdown, Finally I am hugely concerned that not enough thought or provision has been made for when the solar panels come to their end of life. They contain dangerous materials & it will be my children's generation that are left to sort out the mess how they will be removed. This scheme is NOT a green energy scheme. There are other answers to obtaining green energy without causing such a dramatic loss of agricultural land, which quite frankly we need to keep for food to grow.