Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Dale Hing

Date submitted
27 January 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I do not agree with the Sunnica Energy Farm development because: The development is primarily designed as an arbitrage scheme to buy, store and re-sell electricity to the National Grid for profit. The scheme will not be carbon neutral. The Cumulative Size of the scheme – effectively four individual large solar sites – is excessive, any outcomes and consequences of which – during construction, operation and decommissioning – are complete unknowns, there being no precedent for a scheme of this size in the UK. The scheme fails to fulfil points of the Governments Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution, destroying not protecting the Natural Environment, landscape and ecosystems and making redundant existing jobs not creating more Green Jobs. The location is totally unsuitable – being home to ecologically sensitive areas, SSSI, AONB, NNR, Rivers, High Grade Agriculture Land, Conservation Areas, Scheduled Monuments, Rural Businesses and Homes – all of which will be destroyed and replaced by wholesale industrialisation of the countryside. The Change of Use from farm land. The Loss of productive agricultural land which is in constant rotational use for high yield crop production and livestock/bloodstock rearing. The Loss of Nationally important habitats for wildlife. The Loss of country side views across nationally important natural landscapes from properties adjoining sites/with views of the sites and from public viewpoints, roads, registered footpaths and bridleways adjoining/passing through sites, all of which are in constant use. The significant Loss of Amenity Use and Visual Impact affecting a far greater area than the boundaries of the scheme. The Negative affect on village settings The Effect on human physical and mental health The Effect on property values in the area The Closure of roads/footpaths/bridleways/green lanes, during construction/operation/removal and some permanently. The Noise/Light pollution and Traffic movements during construction/operation/removal of the panels/battery storage and continuously from inverters while facilities are operational. There is no evidence of any benefit to the local community demonstrated. Opposition to the Scheme throughout the locality averages over 95% of 40,000+ residents. Sunnica has: Exploited the requirements of a (NSIP) to ensure it cannot be challenged, turned down or resisted by local authorities and communities, undermining local democracy and demonstrating Sunnica’s contempt for the local community. Included parcels of land within the boundary of the scheme whose ownership was not identified prior to the Consultation, and is owned by individuals who have not been consulted by Sunnica. Threatened farmers and landowners with Compulsory Purchase Orders. Refused to engage meaningfully with the local community. Failed to address Safety concerns particularly regarding BESS locations. Failed to address Security concerns. Used outdated/decades old Grading to assess and classify Agricultural Farmland and refused permission for access, and/or to provide soil samples for an up to date Grading assessment. Failed to provide comprehensive information with errors/omissions, incomplete/misleading information in respect of: Solar panels and Battery stations (the size/scale/style/height above ground/aspect/angle/visibility etc). Roads, footpaths and other access points (the type/dimensions/lighting/heights of fencing/boundaries/access permitted). Field margins (the design/screening/hedging methods). Viewpoints (many significant viewpoints have been omitted).