Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Lea Dodds

Date submitted
27 January 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Overall, I support the project but have concerns about site management once the construction phase is complete and the project has been handed over to an operator. Consent for the Sunnica project must include specific requirements for the control of grass and weeds that grow beneath and around the solar panels. It seems to be the norm for developer to talk about grazing and other forms of natural weed/grass control when, in reality, they will default to using herbicides and/or regular mowing. Approval for the project should specify in detail how the land around the panels is to be managed for the growth of wild flowers. It is not enough for wild flower areas to be confined to peripheral designated areas. This is an opportunity to create thousands of acres of biodiverse, bee-friendly habitat. Another possibility is to specify weed/grass control by grazing as an acceptable alternative method of control, but that would be second best.