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Representation by John Reali

Date submitted
27 January 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

It is well documented that the lithium batteries used for storage on solar farms carry a grave risk. They have the potential to combust causing a thermal incident that is difficult to control. Explosions that can reach temperatures of 660C - even worse than the Beirut port blast. Fire crews cannot use traditional techniques to extinguish fires started by lithium-ion batteries. In the event of a fire the gasses released is dangerous to all living things and as this site sits extremely close to several villages is of great concern. Some gases released can be absorbed through the skin. By the time an alarm could be conveyed to the local population, it would already be too late for many local residents. I believe that this site is too large. In any case, these types of installations should be far away from any populated areas, so that if something was to go wrong with the site it would not be harmful to the public.