Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Donald MacBean

Date submitted
29 January 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

My wife & I have lived in Worlington for 22 years. We know nobody in Worlington who is not in favour of renewable energy & solar panels in particular. But neither do we know anyone in Worlington who is in favour of the Sunnica Proposal; there are 2 reasons - FEAR & SCALE. I attended the Public Meetig held in Isleham on 15th October, chaired by out MP Matt Hancock, & attended by the MP for East Cambs, Lucy Frazer. The scientific evidencee presented to the meeting about how untried & unsafe the tecnology of the Proposal is was scarifying, especially for people in their mid 80s. Both MPs supported the scientific evidence & commented that it was shameful that Sunnica did not send a represetative to the meeting. So, there is real fear in the village. Fear also comes from the shear SCALE of the project. Green Lane, a unique natural area on the edge of the village (no car needed) will be destroyed with the virtual total loss of habitat, birds & other wild life & insects. I am not an expert ornothologist but I have counted 43 species of birds in the Worlington end of Green Lane. The loss of the Lane would be tragic. On 1st December 2021 it was announced that 25% of British birds are now on the Red List of endangered species. In January 2022 The Governmet announced a proposal to replace the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) with a National Land Management Scheme (NLMA). At the heart of the NLMA is improved farming techniques & the restoring of lost habitat or Rewilding - Rewilding not destruction of more precious habitat. At COP 26 The Government, acknowledging the perilous situation of the planet, committed itself to such enlightend & vital policies that are necessary for the survival of the planet. The Sunnica Proposal is in direct contradiction of these Government poicies. Yes, renewable energy is vital to save the planet but when the scheme will inflict the vast amount of damage to the environment that this Proposal will inflict it becomes counter productive. Please do not allow this to happen. Please abandon this Proposal or break it uo into managable units that will not have the devasting impact of the Proposal as it stands. And of course there is also the immense human toll that the proposal will inflict on all reridents, travellers to the area & people & companies trying to do business in the area - road chaos for years, noise & light pollution & economic disaster are but three of the inevitable horrors that will result. The overriding catastrophe is that a large area of Easrt Anglia, as we know it, will be destroyed forever inflicting immesurable human & economic suffering. Please do not alloow this to happen. Donald MacBean