Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Rosalind Hamill

Date submitted
30 January 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to make known in the strongest of terms, my objection to this proposal. Suffolk and Cambridgeshire are prime agricultural areas. We feed the nation Now we have come out of Europe, it is imperative this country becomes even more sustainable and self sufficient, than before. We are an island Anything we cannot grow ourselves has to be imported. Cargo arrives via shipping, trucks, ferry and aircraft Any one of these modes of transport can easily be disrupted by world events I say again. Suffolk and Cambridgeshire is prime agricultural land To take that asset away from people living in the UK is shortsighted and investigations have brought to light the underlying profiteering associated with these companies Facts published are inaccurate Questions have remained unanswered Representatives have refused to meet the public, particularly those most affected This whole scheme smacks of underhand dealings with no thought to future generations, costs of increased imported, affects on acres and acres of land and the devastation which will be done to the environment. And still the company refuses to accept responsibility for any future “accident” which may occur should the batteries overheat, explode or in any way impact on the surrounding land and people. I OBJECT IN THE STRONGEST TERMS