Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Michael Wallis

Date submitted
30 January 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

It has been readily shown that Sunnica shows no regard to the views expressed by those who are resident in the villages that form part of their Sunnica Solar Farm development and that included not coming to the meeting in Iselham some months ago to hear the views of villagers and that of our two neighboring MPs - Lucy Fraser and Matt Hancock. There is also the matter of Sunnica taking ownership without proper discussion and or negotiation with the landowners of very high quality farming land in the area and that adds to their arrogant approach to this and other matters over the last 12 months. There are many small villages that will be adversely affected by Sunnica's desires and intentions not to say the impact on so many lorries on the narrow village roads. No one is against the concept of environmental needs for the future but Sunnica's intentions are not appropriate in this area. There is also the matter of the solar batteries catching fire that has existed in North West England, in the USA and Japan that Sunnica have not addressed. Whilst I fully support environmental considerations this solar farm proposal by Sunnica is too large over a the area being proposed and does not take in to account the farming considerations. Also potential harm to the villages that will be affected then there is the real concern that the battery plant proposals could have as has been seen elsewhere both in the UK, USA and Japan. The road infrastructure covering the area and villages that would be affected is not appropriate for a project of this intended scale covering 2,792acre. It should not be given approval to proceed.. Should add the level of consultation with all villages, let alone listening to their genuine concerns has been a disgrace.