Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Jan Stewart

Date submitted
30 January 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  1. To challenge the appropriateness and financial adequacies and robustness of the legal company set up specifically for this application 2. To challenge the adequacies and competencies of the company executives forming the company who are making the application 3. To challenge the environmental and sustainability claims made by the company undertaking this application from global sourcing, through manufacture of components, shipping, deployment, use and ultimately retirement, dismantlement and waste 4. To challenge the appropriateness and completeness of the biodiversity considerations in this application 5. To challenge the need for this application and whether it outweighs, on balance and principal, the alternative proposal that solar panels are mandated on new builds including commercial units going forward, where land has already been sacrificed 6. To challenge the adequacies of consideration for the cumulative affect of solar panel farms on this scale and in this location in conjunction with existing and additional plans over the next 25 year period 7. To challenge the adequacies of research done into health and safety risk, including welfare in relation to solar farms on this size and scale. 8. To challenge the impact on local wildlife, including rare and protected species 9. To challenge the impact on local communities, throughout all stages of development, use and dismantlement.