Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Lucinda Wright

Date submitted
12 February 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am objecting to this application. This scheme is far far too big for its location - effecting too many village communities. The scheme wiggles around 7 villages effecting views, house prices and rural lifestyles. It is an immense leap from the existing largest solar farm in England to the size of this one It takes too much farmland out of production. It is not true that it is all low-grade farmland. This land is unlikely ever to return to being farmed but moreover will most probably become development sites even more offensive to the local community I don't believe that this scheme by the nature of its scale and set up will ever be carbon neutral The battery energy storage compounds are incompatibly large with the amount of solar these panels alone will produce so I presume they will be buying off the grid, storing and selling. How does this effect the 'green' energy proposed ? Sunnica have failed to communicate in meetings with the local communities concerns. I am very worried as to who will be overseeing the proposed 2 years of set up, the immense disruption it will bring to 7 villages and if indeed Sunnica will stick to the plan they will have outlined. And, equally worried as to who will be in charge of the decommissioning - where will over 1,000000 solar panels go and how long would that all take? The sites for the panels are too far from the Sunnica Electricity station the far side of Burwell. Therefore too many people are disrupted and the scheme is vastly too large. I so pray the totally inappropriate nature of this scheme will be understood - thank you!