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Representation by Robert J M Bright

Date submitted
13 February 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I live in the village of Worlington and and have a good knowledge of the surrounding villages. This proposal by Sunnica is outrageous and will inflict a blot on the landscape as it covers such an enormous area over and between the various villages; from which ever way you will enter the area the skyline will provide views of large areas of the panels. It will also take away valuable agricultural, whilst this land is not in the highest grade, it does provide valuable food for humans and animals at a time when the UK needs to produce a high level of its own food in order to cut down the need for imported food which is ecologically expensive to transport. I am not against renewal energy but there are other locations, other types of green energy that can be produced, for example with offshore wind farms. A major problem will be the high of lorry movements during construction for a considerable time on all the various sites of the panels but also the cabling required to link these together and then onto the National Grid. There will also be major disturbance of wildlife and their habitats, rights of ways and footpaths.