Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by George G Rusk

Date submitted
19 February 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am objecting to the Sunnica Solar Farm for the following reasons: 1. Sunnica Solar farm will take up 2800 acres of good quality irrigated vegetable growing farmland which must not be lost. We are only 64% self-sufficient in food. Importing more food equals greater carbon footprint, increased prices and reduction in food quality / security. 2. Photomontages show that it will be approximately 15 years to show full screening. So with construction time and Green growth it will be at least 12 years we will have to endure the blight on our countryside. 3. Local footpaths, bridleways, cycling routes etc will be closed during construction and some lost. 4. Sunnica predict that there will be minor adverse Ecological impact on wildlife and plant habits and species as a result of construction, operation and decommissioning. But the wildlife, flora and countryside will be lost for at least two generations. 5. Climate Change / much higher temperatures in the East of England may well be advantageous to solar panels. Universally it is stated that the Earth’s temperature is to continue to rise to unprecedented levels. Will the heat generated on the panels cause very turbulent air distribution over a wide area of the countryside? 6. Large battery storage systems present well known fire hazards not easily put out; explosive potential and toxic gas emissions as documented elsewhere in the world. On page 32 of Sunnica’s Consultation Document, “The solar panels and batteries would be recycled at this stage”. Decommissioning: How? Where? In the UK or are Sunnica expecting to source this out in the future to some other country, as has happened with the break-up of Shipping on the African continent? 7. Will the project be Carbon Neutral? Do we know the life cycle of the components which are intend to be used? Will there an EPD Environmental Product Declaration? Are figures relating to the Environmental impact expressed as a carbon Dioxide equivalent for the construction and installation of the project? 8. Are Sunnica abdicating their responsibility for the site over 40 years. Why is the daily responsibility of the maintenance and operation being passed on by Sunnica to a designated management company? 9. The huge BESS allow Sunnica to buy cheap electricity out of the Grid, store it and sell it back to the grid when it is expensive; creating huge profits for Sunnica’s Spanish owners. 10. Surely if all future buildings, houses, offices, public / government buildings had roof areas of solar panels the land and environment would not be sacrificed. 11. Land is being squeezed enough with the drive for new houses in the area. We do not want to live looking out onto large areas of Houses and Solar panels. We came here to live in the countryside. I ask you to consider carefully the above points and whether it is reasonable to have this enormous proposed site in one place.