Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Jonathan Pearce

Date submitted
20 February 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am objecting to the application on the following basis: - The size and scale of the development - The loss of much needed productive farmland and the effect on food security - The effects on wildlife, in particular protected species habituating the land - The lack of community benefit and loss of amenity - Significant health risks posed by the BESS (battery storage) to the local population when they catch fire - evidence of such battery fires is widespread. - The lack of experience the developer has with building and managing BESS and on such a significant scale. - The effect on historic landscapes and effect on buried archaeology - The industrialisation of the countryside and visual impact on the appearance - 30 miles of fencing, 100 acres of concrete, double storey BESS compounds. - The inefficiencies inherent in such a scheme - The potential increase in consumer energy prices from the tactical use of BESS to exact the highest prices for energy in order to maximise return for its investors. - The health effects and sound disturbance from the size of the construction - Inadequate consultation process - The lack of credible evidence that this scheme will deliver net environmental gains - it will create more carbon in its lifetime than it ever saves. - The importation of over 1M solar panels, likely from China and made by oppressed people. - The opportunistic nature of the scheme which lacks any sort of strategy and is fundamentally just about making huge profits for a handful. - The abject oversight to the objection of the plans from 99% of the local population