Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Norman Ferguson

Date submitted
21 February 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am objecting to this proposed Solar Farm installation mainly due to the location and sheer scale of it. Solar is supposed to be a benefit to our environment and society. How is using 2,500 acres of prime agricultural land for a monster solar farm a green choice ? We are currently only 64% self sufficient for food, so no sense in wasting this land for an installation of glass & concrete with no guarantee that it can return to agriculture land after 40 years. Panels imported from China & not even local companies used. Sunnica do not have the experience of building anything on this scale, it will be the largest BESS in the world. The actual installation will cause havoc on the local roads which are already over populated with vehicles, causing road damage that the authorities already can't keep on top of, traffic congestion, road closures with large diversions, Dust and dirt from the fields covering the roads, vehicles & housing and devastation to the local environment & habitat. This installation will also be counter productive to our pursuit of Carbon Zero by 2050.