Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by John Robert Savage

Date submitted
21 February 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Solar Farms should not be situated on prime agricultural land. Large scale Lithium Battery storage should not be situated anywhere near residential properties. There are frequent reports of Lithium Batteries catching fire, producing toxic gas and being left to burn out as they cannot be easily extinguished. Sunnica has failed to respond adequately to questions from local residents. Sunnica has failed to demonstrate that their scheme is truly GREEN. There are extensive brownfield sites that could be used without having an impact on England's Green and Pleasant Land. Why not (for instance) cover the Cambridge Park and Ride sites with solar panels? Why not insist that all new builds incorporate Solar generation in their design? It is believed that the solar panels will be imported from China - Hardly GREEN! This proposed Solar Farm will have a significant adverse impact on a number of wildlife species. If large scale Solar Farms are permitted on good agricultural land the UK will have to import more food at significant cost in carbon emissions. A Solar Farm on this scale will change Rural Landscape into an Industrial Site. Laying miles of cabling will cause significant disruption and additional carbon output due to significant delays and diversions for local traffic.