Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Margaret Thompson

Date submitted
21 February 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to the Sunnica planning application to put solar panels onto prime agricultural land. In this country we are only 60 to 70% self surficient in food and import the rest which is not good for the environment. Also what will happen to the wildlife that helps the environment. I am not against sustainable energy, there is plenty of land that isn't suitable for growing food, or even the banks along motorways or railway lines. As there has been no face to face consultations with Sunnica people haven't been able to ask questions such as what will the land be like after the end of life for the panels. Or what are the health risks from the batteries, which are going to be close to residential properties, what happens if there is a fire. So many unanswered questions