Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Cllr Brian Peter Harvey

Date submitted
21 February 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As the local District Councillor representing the Residents of Manor Ward which includes both Worlington & Freckenham Parishes and also as a resident of Worlington. My concerns are :- 1. Scale and dominance of the proposed Solar Energy Farm - approximately 2500 acres, the communicative impact this proposed scheme will have upon not only Residents but on Local Businesses ie Racing Studs, Anaerobic Digester Plant, Gravel Quarry and Pig farming. 2. Inadequate details and proposals submitted - The Energey farm is planned for a 500MW scheme, but the 4 sites are rated at 50MW Solar plus Energey storage but no actual size of battery units has been provided. This scheme currently would have the capacity to store 200MW no details have been provided as to where the additional 300MW will be sighted.And the corresponding impact that these large battery units will have on the surrounding area. 3. Under the Rochdale parameters the final responsibility and specification for the Battery storage units is transferred to relevant SCC & CCC Fire & Rescue Departments. There are NO details of any Government specifications or Fire regulations currently enforced. The impact upon Local residents due to a fire and the release of Toxic fumes is a very high risk, full details and a risk assessment is required. 4. Highways Issues - The overall communicative impact this scheme will have on the local rural road network will be immense . No Traffic Management or current traffic flow analysis plan has been submitted, No impact assessment has been made as to how they propose to store in excess of 320K ltrs of fuel on site during the construction phases and the prevention of environmental spillage and subsequent soil contamination, together with details for workforce vehicle parking and access to site. 5. Landscaping & screening - View points have been declared but no indication has been given as to how they propose to mitigate the road crossing junctions and visibility splays 60mph "C" Class roads rated at 60mph in local areas. Use of country lanes as access to and from site ie: Golf Links Rd & Elms Rd. In summary I am not opposed to the Green Energey agenda but this scheme will have a considerable impact upon the Rural environment and the potential impact of a thermal runaway battery fire would be immense. As such I cannot support this proposed scheme in its current format.