Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Jennifer Hall

Date submitted
21 February 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The size and scale of this project 20 smaller solar sites within 20 mile radius of proposed scheme 2500 acres of productive farmland lost when UK is only 64% self-sufficient in food production Concerns about restoration of site to farmland and removal and recycling of materials at end of 40 years (1,000,000 solar panels) Safety concerns about BESS battery storage system: size of storage units, proximity to local communities with expanding populations, major roads and railway line, impact on health and transport links if batteries combust and emit toxic fumes, company's lack of experience with system of proposed size Impact on local environment: visual impact, landscaping (hedges and trees) will take half the scheme's lifespan to screen solar panels, loss of amenity landscape value to local residents Impact on wildlife: loss of habitat and biodiversity as site is enclosed by 30 miles of fencing, impact on migrating birds and insects travelling to National Nature Reserves (Wicken Fen and Chippenham Fen)over such a large area of solar panels Impact on local homeowners if project is approved: devalued house prices, possible increase in home insurance due to proximity of potentially hazardous battery system Congestion on minor local roads during construction of site, with HGV movements throughout the day and night impacting on local residents' travel