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Representation by Lady Frances Peyton Hospital Almshouse Charity (Lady Frances Peyton Hospital Almshouse Charity)

Date submitted
28 February 2022
Submitted by
Non-statutory organisations

The Charity owns and has registered title of 7 acres immediately adjacent (within 50 metres) to the proposed Sunnica A East site. This land is to the north of the proposals adjacent to the Lee Brook in Isleham. There has been no notification of the proposals from Sunnica to the Charity and consequently no consultation as to its impact to the Charity’s land as an immediate neighbour. This disregard of the Charity as immediate neighbours does not fit with Sunnica's statements in the Consultation Report EN010106/APP/5 relating to the identification of consultees under s42(1)(d) Paras 4.3.5 to 4.3.9. The Charity wishes to raise the following concerns The scale of this industrial development is overwhelming in what is a wholly an agricultural area. The loss of what we know to be very productive arable land. The potential risk of soil pollution from the solar panels and batteries being installed over the operating period. The impact of the proposals on the run off from the site to the Lee Brook, a chalk stream, in construction, operating and decommissioning phases. The use of the area for large scale battery storage which presents an unacceptable risk in the event of their catching fire as appears to be common. The impact on the value of a major asset of the Charity of the development limiting options for its future use. The mitigation measures for screening are inappropriate. The long range views from Sheldrick's and Beck Roads in Isleham are dramatically shortened by the proposed planting and will be lost forever.