Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Deborah Blackwell

Date submitted
1 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I very strongly object to the Sunnica and herewith are my reasons: 1. It will destroy thousands of acres of greenfield land which will never be returned to its former agricultural use as it will become a brownfield site ripe for more development. 2. Why use prime agicultural land, in a time when we are trying to become self sufficient trying to grow our own food. There are plenty of industrial buildings on brownfield sites that could have panels put on them. 3. Sunnica does not want to save our planet, they just want to line their own pockets by buying electricity off the grid during the day, storing it, and selling it back during peak hours at a higher price. 4. The stunning gallops of Newmarket go back to Charles 11, it is a rich and important heritage for the people of Newmarket and all the surrounding villages. It will ruin that beautiful landscape. 5. I am a member of Royal Worlington & Newmarket Golf course where 325 members come and enjoy playing on this beautiful, rural course. It will virtually be surrounded by hundreds of acres of solar panels and accessing this course while it is being built will cause horrific problems. I really believe the area will be a hell hole for the two years it is going to take to build it. The golf course will never be the same, it could easily become a place where nobody wants to come and play and, therefore, could struggle to survive. 6. I believe the panels are coming from China and I think it would be very embarrassing for our government if it was discovered they were made by the enslaved Uighurs.