Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Michael Swan

Date submitted
1 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The main areas of concern I have with this type of development is the loss of grade 1 & 2 agricultural land & its impact on the local environment. I live in Burwell where we already have two existing Solar Farms, a Battery Storage System & another Solar Farm under construction. Whilst fully understanding, & accepting, the need for renewable energy I am concerned that locally all such developments are using up acres & acres of grade 1 & 2 agricultural land which once lost are gone for ever. We are so focused on renewable energy but we shouldn't loose site of this country's ability to feed itself. The ability to grow our own food so important especially in this day & age. Importing has a big carbon footprint & is vulnerable to impact from ongoing situations around the world. There is a lot of lower grade land just down the road in Breckland which could be used. it may not be so convenient for access to the Grid so would have higher costs but what's more important, food security or profits. East Anglia is also short of trees & large tress have been felled around Burwell to accommodate renewable energy projects. Cutting down large established trees is criminal. It's no good saying we'll plant ten more trees elsewhere, it takes getting on for 20 years before a tree is able to take on large stores of carbon. We don't have 20 years to play with.