Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Audrey Czernin

Date submitted
2 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am opposed to this scheme. - It’s just an opportunity to use an environmental loophole for profit. - those who’s land it is will not be living next to Sunnica will not be impacted - it will reduce house prices, causing a loss of capital for everyday people while increasing the wealth disparity in our area - this is fertile land that should be used for farm land. This project is not environmentally friendly as it is literally preventing us from having the option to grow food locally. - what is the cost to local wildlife going to be? How will reducing the habitat of local fauna and flora then impact the land we already have left. - the batteries are huge and dangerous. They can explode and that makes it scary to live in the area. This can also affect local people’s house insurance. - it will affect local businesses negatively - this just a way for a few (incredibly wealthy) families to get rich at the expense of working people. - the solar panel batteries allow the company to store electricity from the grid and sell it back at peak times. No part of this plan is helping reduce people’s bills nor helping the planet. - it’s not environmentally or socially friendly, it’s using loopholes to be able to then, in 10 years be able to sell the land for housing development - it’s meant to be protected land so protect it -