Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Rebecca Dunlop

Date submitted
3 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I would like to voice my opposition to this proposal. I have lived in and around Newmarket for my entire life and i am appalled by the size and scale of this proposal. I live in Newmarket and my husband trains horses here, the views from the gallops will be destroyed by glass, concrete and security fencing. The villages of Snailwell, Chippenham, Freckenham to name a few will be severely affected by the huge number of solar panels and battery storage compounds which will be situated very close to people's houses and gardens. Not only will this be an eyesore but i am very worried about the danger of the batteries catching fire and creating dangerous gases and risk to human life. I am also concerned by the loss of all the greenfield land and good quality farmland. Surely it is better for us to have locally produced fruit and vegetables rather than flying them in from other countries, this is not a green solution! I like to be able to go to a local market or farmshop for my produce, how is this going to be possible if we use all our farmland up for solar panels! The Sunnica proposal is not green, it will create more carbon than it ever saves, flying solar panels in from China and using huge number of trucks to transport them. There is no guarantee that the land will ever be returned to its former agricultural use after the 40 years and will probably then be developed into buildings and houses. Please, please do not destroy our area with this terrifying totally un-carbon zero proposal!!