Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Martin Morgan

Date submitted
5 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The villages this Sunnica development is proposed to surround will lose their sole, the sheer magnitude of the sunnica proposal will ensure villages will lose their identity and spirit resulting in just being areas on a map surrounded by THE LARGEST SOLAR POWER PLANT IN THE UK. We are not against Green energy, there is already a Bio Digester plant on the edge of Worlington and a solar farm a few hundred meters away from that. This Sunnica proposal intends to cover vast swathes of valuable arable farmland, the villages and their residents’ will be guinea pigs in a project where there is no firm evidence what environmental and health effect something on this proposed scale of built so close to domestic dwellings will have. It’s not been done before and for a very good reason. HEALTH CONCERNS • Have the overhead power cables which pass over private property in Worlington been taken into consideration? • Sleep deprivation, due to proposed site arrival and departure times. • Deprivation of Quality Time relaxation due to proposed weekend construction working. Construction: 841 staff vehicles Working hours 7am to 7pm arriving at 6.00am and leaving at 8.00pm Monday to Saturday. Why do Saturdays have to be worked? Are any UK Bank Holidays going to be worked on? If the scale of this proposed power plant were to be reduced to a sensible size the necessity to work Saturdays would be alleviate. The construction site staff arrival at 6.00am are they going to switch their cars off and sit in their cars quietly until 7.00am, what are they going to do between 6.00am and 7.00am? The construction staff leaving site at 8pm are they going to sit in their cars at 7.00pm quietly and not start their cars until 8.00pm, what are they going to do between 7.00pm and 8.00pm? Normal working days are either between the hours of 8.00am till 4.00pm or 9am till 5.00pm, the highways network is well and truly capable in handling the proposed vehicle movements for site to accommodate arrival at 7.45am and site departure at or before 5.15 pm. This proposed site isn’t in the middle of Cambridge, vehicle movements would be travelling against the traffic at these times, isn’t it more the fact due to the vast size of this Sunnica proposed power plant the proposed construction staff’s proposed site arrival and departure times appear to be a necessity and the disruption to the lives of local residents backing onto the proposed power plant development are apparently not seen by Sunnica worthy of consideration. The fact this Sunnica proposed development has been selected to be built surrounding residential villages clearly shows Sunnica’s lack of care and consideration towards the local residents. Where else have the Sunnica’s selected partners Tribus Energy and PS Renewables with their strong track record of delivering high quality solar and energy storage developments built a solar farm to the same scale, in the proposed construction time, neighbouring the same amount of residential properties, or are we their Guiney pigs? When Sunnica introduced themselves to the local residents one of their prime reasons for selecting these proposed sites was the flat landscape. With flat landscapes noise travels clearly and quickly, dust from construction and construction vehicles, staff vehicle movement’s travels great distances, both will have a severe impact on my families quality of life. We don’t possess a Tumble Drier (they aren’t carbon neutral) we use a washing line in our garden (which is carbon neutral) with the proposed site attendance and working times are Sunnica going to guarantee our washing hung out on our washing line won’t ever have dust on it whilst their power plant is in the construction process? Aren’t local residents entitled to peaceful weekends without construction noise, without construction site and staff vehicles interruption? We live in the countryside for a reason, for peace and quiet, to relax and enjoy life at a slower pace, how does Sunnica propose we should do this whilst they are building their proposed power plant? Due to the scale of this proposed Sunnica power plant and the monumental task it creates to construct, extraordinary working hours are having to be proposed, clearly in this decision making process there is either a total lack of experience or perhaps it’s just sheer arrogance, NO consideration has been taken by Sunnica to allow local residents to the proposed construction sites any quality of life over weekends or the duration of the construction.