Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Carol C Cooper

Date submitted
5 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As a native of Suffolk I am raising my objections to the proposed Sunnica Solar installation for the following: * Suffolk is a beautiful, agricultural county supporting many families through employment and contributes to our national food supply which will be lost to future generations. As Britain is only 64% self sufficient in food production, with international supply chains being vulnerable, we can not afford to sacrifice this amount of high quality growing acreage to this project. * Agriculture is a mainstay in Suffolk's employment and the loss of jobs will raise our 3.5% (2021) unemployment rate, with few alternatives available for those who have skills in this area. * Roads are rural; narrow, winding, with few passing places - construction traffic will be damaging to the road structure and disruptive to daily life * After 40 years a brown site will be made making the whole site ripe for development rather than returning it to agriculture or nature - thus ruining the essence of this area of Suffolk. Our unique ecological system may never recover. * The risk of fire, use of vast amounts of concrete, and the huge carbon footprint mocks our Carbon Zero/Green policies * Where is the benefit to British/Suffolk economy? It appears building materials will be sourced from abroad, a Yorkshire company is building the structure and the Spanish Sunnica will profit from selling electricity made in Suffolk back to the UK generating huge profits for this company rather than the Suffolk residents. *The risk of fire in the battery storage, which can not be put out, puts residents at high risk through poisonous gases especially as these batteries will be placed close to homes. *Disruption through the building process will be huge, therefore devastating our daily life particularly in the small villages around the project.