Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Mrs Judi Thurlow

Date submitted
5 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

STORAGE BATRERIES I am very concerned about the danger of the batteries, used to store the electricity catching fire. We have seen electric cars catch fire, ships carrying these catch fire and sink and storage batteries themselves catch fire. We live in a very open landscape where a fire can spread quickly. These type of fires I am told are VERY difficult to put out. THE REMOVAL OF THE BATERIES AND SOLAR PANELS I have not found any mention of when the batteries and panels would be removed or who will be paying for the removal. If the company running the sight goes pop who pays? THE LAND USAGE At the moment we have agricultural land producing and adding to our economy. If this land were to be turned over to be used for solar panels what happens with the land after? It would not have the same fertility and usage. Would this lead to change of use as it is then a brown field sight? PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY We have been informed than all rights of way are to be closed while the work is being done, and from what has been shown some lost and a new one made. There are very few public footpaths and even fewer bridleways/byways in our area. What is everyone going to do walk/ride on the roads? TRAFFIC While the works are happening there will be a significant increase in very heavy traffic. Not ideal in a rural area with more people having to go for a walk, take their dogs out or exercise their horses on the road. An accident waiting to happen. SOLAR PANELS These will stick out like a sore thumb in our wonderful landscape. Sunnica have started to call this development a farm. It is not. Its an industrial power plant. From the information released by them it is not even going to produce sufficient electricity to merit being built.