Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Peter Thurlow

Date submitted
5 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Agriculture Land. Farm land will be used for this proposed solar industrial estate. The land is needed for growing potato's, wheat, barley, onions, beet, carrots and much more. We are short of arable land in the UK. The above foods will need to be imported at great cost. After 35 years the land will be unusable as agriculture land and will take many years for its return to being usable as farm land again. Wild life. Will be killed off during the installation of this site and will never return to its current level. Many species are native to the area proposed for this solar industrial estate. Landscape The hole area will change and will look the same as an industrial estate, not the pleasant English country side we have at the moment. Tourists, walkers and current visitors will not want to come to this area while being installed and and when finished. Lost revenue will be a result of this. Sunnica state when the installation is finish all will be hidden from view by trees and new hedges. The growth of which will take many years before being at a height to block the panels. In the mean time everyone will be looking at the metal industrial mess. Public footpaths bridleways and right of ways. This area proposed for the installation has a vast amount of stables and horses based here. While the installation is underway public rights of way will be closed. Horse riders will have to ride on the roads. THIS WILL BE VERY DANGEROUS to all as many more lorry's will be on our roads during this installation time. Storage Batteries FIRE FIRE FIRE. Many of this type of batteries have had problems and have ended up on fire. One incident in Liverpool, when a batterie was on fire involved people being evacuated from homes over a mile or so from the fire source. If a fire was to happen and people are evacuated no plans are in place for the evacuation of livestock and horses what will happen to them. Many horses within this area are worth thousands of pounds??. On the very first meeting with Sunnica the representative I spoke to did mention the batteries are really the only part of this which is needed, as electric can be drawn from the grid at night and sold back at a higher price when needed during the day. This too me came over as a big money making operation if this is so!!.