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Representation by Dr Colin Groom

Date submitted
6 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  1. The planning application (in particular the maps provided) fail to represent other recently developed solar farm installations. The plans and the application must be resubmitted identifying all areas which are currently used for solar installations, not just those in this proposal. As it stands, the proposal gives a misleading picture of the both the current land use and projected land use making approval of the project impossible. All schemes detailed in Cummulative Schemes Appendix 5A, Table 1.1 should be added to all maps submitted in support of this application before it can be considered. 2. Should any of the application be appropved conditions much be applied such that ; a. All infrastructure used during the construction (e.g roads and verges) must be made good to return them to their orignal, or better, state. b. Construction work must be limited to 9-5, Monday to Friday. Given the ratio of the construction time to the proposed lifetime of this project work outside of these periods should not be permitted. 3. Appropriate, independently controlled finances for the anticipated decommisioning of the scheme must be secured. This must be sufficient for returning the are to its current uses and condition. 4. On decomissioning, any subsequent planning applications must be considered against the use of the land as it is today (i.e. they must not account of the fect that this development is already in place) 5. The scheme should, when in operation, 'run dark', i.e. there should be no lighting of any kind for any aspects of the scheme when workers are not present. 6. Section 6.3 Environmental Statement - Figure 10-58c to 10-68b - Viewpoint Photographs should be resubmitted and marked-up with representative images / sketches of the development. The current images with simple lines showing the approximate extent of the development are insufficient to allow assessment of this application. Verifiable photomontages should be prepared for all infrastructure of the development, including Burwell substation, not just the areas with solar panels. 7. The scheme should include plans and costings for the appropriate re-use or disposal of solar panels when past their working life.