Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Yvette Smith

Date submitted
7 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I would like to state that I am not against solar energy. I am however against the plans put forward by Sunnica, for the following reasons: 1. I live [redacted] in Chippenham, and I am very concerned about the reported increase in traffic through the High Street. Another 600 vehicles a day, six days a week? Is that acceptable? 2. The plans for the proposed areas of panels is too big, and too concentrated for the local area. 3. Why has such a beautiful rural area been selected for such a development? Why are these solar farms not being built where there is less dense population? 4. I understand that there are reports that these solar panels have been built by Uighur people in China, in conditions of slave labour and imprisonment. Is this true? Is that acceptable? 5. I understand that the solar panels proposed have a life span of about 20 years. What will happen to them after that? How will they be disposed of? Will the prime agricultural land then be given over to housing development? Is that acceptable? 1. I am against the Sunnica Energy Farm and I do not believe that adequate public consultation has taken place. To ask for public debate, discussion and objection during a pandemic is cowardly and smacks of trying to bury bad news. 2. The plans submitted are far too big for the local area, and will cause large swathes of land to be solar panels, destroying the natural beauty. 3. The land to be used is agricultural and will be blighted for years to come. There is no adequate provision for safe disposal when the panels have outlived their usefulness. Will the land be returned to agricultural use? Or just built on? 4. Scant regard has been given to those living on the main routes through the idyllic villages this project will affect. The traffic is already busy, and an additional 900 vehicles a day is totally unacceptable. Would you buy a house next to this sort of road? 5. There is insufficient information and research into the long term safety of the panels themselves, and the battery storage areas. Fires and release of chemicals is a risk that I believe has not been justified in this crazy rush to jump on the solar energy band waggon. 6. The parent company for Sunnica is based in Spain. Why are they determined to put something as large as this project into an area of such population and beauty? THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE ON ANY LEVEL. 6. What safety considerations have been given to the siting of solar panels so close to the local population? What research has been done into the long term effects of living near the panels or the battery storage areas? 7. Is it correct that several fires have occurred in battery storage areas? What steps have been taken ensure the safety of the local population? The fires release poisonous gases which are deadly even in tiny amounts. 8. The cons of Sunnica far out weigh the benefits: The panels are going to be made and imported from China (do we need to be more dependent on China?) The local population will be plagued by 2 years of their areas being disrupted and blighted by traffic and noise. Beautiful English countryside will be spoilt by the providing of profits for a Spanish company. The dangers of the panels and the battery storage do not justify any benefits of solar energy. The land given up to these panels will be lost for future generations, possibly for ever. Is that acceptable?