Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Ruth Wills

Date submitted
8 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am objecting to this application for the following reasons: - scale of the project - it covers over 2,500 acres of greenfield land which is currently productive farmland and there is no guarantee that this will be restored at the end of the project - it will have a big negative impact (both visual and audio) on the surroundings of local people possibly with visual glare, increased traffic and destruction of local habitats and views - the environmental benefits of these panels are negated by the large carbon footprint of the project which includes large scale use of concrete, manufacture and importing of panels from China (surely it would be better to put solar panels on the huge numbers of new houses going up in the area which would benefit the local community and be environmentally beneficial). - there will be a big increase in HGV traffic to the area both during the building and running of the plant which will increase pollution and damage roads - the whole project has been designed with zero benefit to the local community - no employment, no offer of free or subsidised electricity supply, no provision of facilities - there will be 3 separate sites for battery storage which carry an increased fire risk - there will be a detrimental effect on wildlife by destroying large areas of habitat including that of protected species such as stone curlews East Cambridgeshire has already been targeted for large areas of housing development and many villages are currently growing outside the development envelope with inadequate facilities to cope with the increased population and traffic movement. It cannot cope with a huge and unprecedented project such as this one.