Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Maxine Simpson

Date submitted
8 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Due to rising tensions between Russia and the rest of Europe, including UK, there is forecast a potential world food crisis, as we have to import just under 48% of our food supplies from abroad, I cannot see how the government could justify this scheme in the current climate. As the world is so unstable and with our population continually growing would it not be more prudent to save our farm land and invest more into farming to meet our countries needs? As the world's bread basket will not be producing food for us or others, should we not try and hold onto Britain's bread basket, which is East Anglia. Removal of land from agricultural use to industrial will result in the whole area being changed forever and the way of life being lost. Solar schemes are not efficient use of the land, the carbon footprint of this scheme is huge with mining, importing, manufacturing and will outweigh any green benefits from the solar. I work in Red Lodge and am concerned by the safety aspects of the batteries, nothing on this scale has been built by this company, who are based in Spain and the country who have the contract to build it are based in Yorkshire, no employment or gain to the local population. Who will be responsible if there is loss of life, through explosion or toxic gases? Sunnica have already stated that they will be selling the scheme on. Newmarket and Exning are already gridlocked most days without adding extra traffic onto A14, A11, the villages and countryside will be destroyed and impact on the whole of Anglia. I worry about Newmarket, the impact this will have on the horse industry and way of life there, as a resident the training grounds are so splendid and used by many, this scheme will encroach on it and hem it in. The thought of this scheme is causing great anxiety and stress to me regarding my future here.