Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Geoffrey Mitchell

Date submitted
9 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

In today's world good agricultural land should be used for the production of food and not for solar. There is plenty of poor grade land that can be used for solar and the land designated in the plans is mostly good quality and should be used for food. The size of the project is many times larger than any other solar farm and will impinge on many communities not just during construction but for the entire life of the project. The current plans will cause many problems in the surrounding villages with the construction traffic and servicing traffic once completed. he size of the planned 'battery store' is too large and a severe threat to the local communities. The benefits to the local communities are minimal from a work point of view. I have reviewed the the company structure behind Sunnica which is complicated but mostly consists of the same people and there is little evidence of the competence of the people concerned to carry out such a large project. Overall, I am pro solar and a project more in line with the normal size of solar farm, situated on poor agricultural land would be good but this project is too large with many potential problem and situated on land that is far more valuable to this country in food production.