Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by John Alexander Leitch

Date submitted
9 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Objections to Sunnica Energy Scheme Inadequate Consultation Sunnica faced envelopes were not fully represented during the consultation period. Why did Booklet maps have Town and Village names removed? Booklet print used a grey print medium which was difficult to read. Sunnica’s Statutory Consultation was age discriminate. The use of the Covid Umbrella to force a non-representation by Sunnica at the Statutory Consultation shows a disinterest to engage with the affected communities. The Statutory Consultation was a monumental failure. Battery Storage Concern of the size and operation of the Lithium-ion Battery Energy Storage System (BESS). Proximity to residential development, schools and major trunk roads Why are Bess battery storage systems not covered by the Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations? Visual Appearance The influence of Climate change now, questions the choice of what is planted now to sustain 40 years of growth. The proposed Bess (Battery Energy Storage Systems) compounds and ground mounted Solar Arrays will cause significant damage to the visual amenity. Environmental Impact Wildlife habitat is under a major threat from noise and pollution. Loss of key Ground Bird Nesting habitat is under threat from relocation. Size and Scale Within a 15-mile radius of the Sunnica proposed development, there are already multiple ground mounted solar photovoltaic farms. Phased in schemes over time of smaller developments allows for advances in technology to be taken advantage of. Sunnica will be a “locked in time” construction that allows for no further advancement in green technology. Suffolk Heritage Piling for panel supports will affect our archaeological heritage. Land access to construction traffic will transform our Breckland landscape and subject it to wind erosion and air turbulence. Infrastructure Concerns over suitability for classified and unclassified roads to support construction traffic and Abnormal Indivisible Loads (AIL’s) Carriageway damage from the construction phase will affect Kerb Stone Displacement, Man Hole Covers, Drainage Covers, Roadside Furniture, Soft Verge Erosion, Carriageway Markings and Frequency of Drain Clearance to avoid carriageway ponding and flooding. Community Benefit No Financial benefit to affected Communities. Reduction of access to PRoW (Public Rights of Way) is a direct loss of amenity value. United Kingdom Food Security Productive farmland needs to be protected to secure native food production. Land classification by DEFRA needs to be reviewed Project Scheme Failure Sunnica have no track record for managing a scheme of this size. Energy Trading Is the Sunnica scheme a solar efficient scheme or does it rely too heavily upon energy trading to survive? Energy trading incorporates fossil fuel, so not clean energy. Decommissioning Bond Should be up and running in year 1 with an annual review in line with inflation. The Decommissioning Bond must be “Ring Fenced” for security. Grant To Extend Sunnica The grant to extend the “scheme” after 40 years should be referred to the local planning Authority for re-approval. Land Classification How will the current land proposed under the Sunnica Scheme be classified after 40 years?