Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Peter Knowles

Date submitted
9 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I OBJECT to Sunnica’s solar energy scheme because of:- The lack of Public consultations by Sunnica, being unethical, relying on electronic consultation as an alternative to public meetings; this prevented those without the means, to take part. This huge scale development, on 2,600+acres of productive farmland, in a region that produces over 37% of UK vegetables, would be contrary to Government guidelines, that “ground-mounted solar farms should be sited on brownfield sites”; will deprive UK of arable farm land, thus future food security. The Battery storage units proposed, their risk of failure and sites, it is well documented that at times of fire, they release toxic gases, become explosive, cannot easily be extinguished. Yet Sunnica proposes to put 3 of these large constructions, close to roads, school and villages. Solar panels micro climate being sited close to major underground gas pipeline! Industrialising the countryside, for this huge scale scheme instead of using roofs and Brownfield sites; gives scant consideration to our Government’s statements, about preserving our countryside! Increasing the UKs dependence on food imports; thus increasing our carbon footprint. Trees, Hedges being removed, Wildlife and their habitats, attempting to relocate these established habitats, will deprive of their inherent enjoyment and will have disastrous consequences for the species within them and cause irreversible damaged to this areas biodiversity. The Intended screening, being a poor substitute, using tree saplings and landscaping that will not be fully effective for at least 10 years. Inefficiency inherent in the scheme, the carbon footprint used for construction sites materials, Sunnica’s sub- contractors, solar panels manufactured by impoverished people of foreign country, transporting to the UK; solar being one of the most inefficient energy sources, this scheme will produce little net gain. Inappropriate decommissioning bond leaves future generations the cost of removal. Traffic disruption during the estimated 2 year construction phase, will create mayhem on local narrow ‘B’ and unclassified roads, where it is already impossible for a car to pass oncoming Lorries, without driving up onto rough grass verges. Safety, Pedestrians presently, walk in the road where no footpaths or verges exist! Noise and Dust disturbances, due to massive increase in vehicle, movements, during the construction phase. My enjoyment of nature during my byway walks, being lost to the surrounding 2.5 metre high solar panels The detrimental effect this huge industrial development will have on my health and local environment. The effects on strategic aircraft from nearby RAF and USAFE Stations. Comment: Government Planning, Agricultural, Environment and Energy departments would benefit from working closer together to achieve harmonious carbon neutrality. Summary: I recognise that we need to take swift action to slow climate change. I am also in favour of solar panels and other renewable energies, but this scheme is too large and will destroy the environment that we are already trying to preserve, so a poor scheme for the UK to invest in, to become carbon neutral by 2050.