Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Mrs Hazel Fleet

Date submitted
10 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As a resident of the village of Isleham a daughter and daughter-in law of farming families I naturally have a great interest in the use of farming land and am very concerned about the development that is being suggested for the fertile land surrounding my village and other villages in this area. As a Christian I am also concerned for God’s beautiful world and the way in which our generation is spoiling it in so many ways. I recognise that as a nation we need to produce power for the ever developing technology and have had solar panels on my own home for about 10 years. I have various issues with this development :- 1. Why do we have to have solar power farms when surely a very efficient way would be to insist that any new build whether it is private or commercial be fitted with solar panels? 2. This project would use 2792 acres of agricultural land supplying food which we may desperately need in view of the present uncertainty and crisis in Europe, surely we need to preserve the capacity to produce our own food. 3. Windmills are a cheaper source of power and don’t cause the problems for the environment that these solar panels do. 4. Although I would rather not see the landscape blotted with solar farms is there not a better place to have them? e.g. land that is not fertile, that doesn’t produce much needed food. 5. I hear increasing stories of us importing from other countries fuel that is produced by methods that are not carbon-friendly and which pollute the atmosphere – is this ethical for us to do to achieve a carbon neutral country? 6. Why is this project over such a large area – three times the size of any other in the UK 7. What is Sunnica’s track record and are they using ethical sources for this project? 8. I am aware that there is a very real risk from the BESS batteries which have been known to explode and produce toxic gases. 9. The planned Solar farm is very close to a growing village with a primary school and the dangers of contamination to the atmosphere in the event of any accident is very real. 10. Who will be responsible for the clear up when the life of these panels is over, the large concrete bases, the panels, the recyclable components and the toxic waste: will Sunnica undertake disposal or would it go into landfill sites? 11. I understand that the panels will also contaminate the land they are on, which will in the future be useless and stand waste unable to produce anything for many years to come and also the rivers they adjoin and the large groundwater source which could be polluted if there are leaks from damaged panels or batteries. Please will you carefully consider my concerns and reject this plan thinking of other alternatives to produce the much needed energy.