Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Michael Gee

Date submitted
11 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to the proposed Sunnica solar farm around our village and set out some of my reasons below: - The environmental impact will be large with wildlife being disturbed, an increase in HGV traffic leading to more air pollution and large amounts of concrete being used. -Farmland used to grow cereal crops will be taken out of production. - A number of footpaths will be closed to walkers. - There is a danger of fire from the battery storage compounds leading to toxic fumes if fire broke out. - Value of properties in the area will be adversely affected. - Of all the hundreds of new homes built in the area in recent years why has the government not required developers to install solar panels on new homes? - Why has the scheme not been planned for the fields around Burwell where the new substation would be, therefore cutting down on the length of cable needed. - It is widely thought the panels will arrive from China which is ethically a problem when taking into account China's record on human rights. -Our police force is already stretched, will they have the resources to police demonstrations and acts of public disobedience? Who is going to foot the bill for 24 hour security of such a huge site? - If the scheme was approved, would local residents receive a large discount on their energy bills for putting up with a blot on the landscape?