Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by John Gosden Ltd (John Gosden Ltd)

Date submitted
11 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to make a representation to the Sunnica Consultation voicing my strongest possible objection to this development. It is utterly without merit and needs to be rejected. The size is grotesque on farmland and: 1. The countryside will be subjected to environmental degradation by the immense size of the proposed Sunnica development. 2. Any such proposal must be on brownfield sites alone and not farmland. 3. There will be substantial loss of habitat for wildlife and the sheer size of the proposals are wholly unacceptable. 4. Wild flora and fauna will be lost, again impacting the wildlife habitats. 5. The loss of the value of the local views around Newmarket from higher ground looking over the proposed land to be developed contravenes the Newmarket Neighbourhood Plan, a planning document which is part of the WSLP. 6. Newmarket is dependent on this surrounding vista in many respects including to encourage tourism and visits to the races for the benefit of both the national and the local economy. 7. There would be unnecessary impact on agricultural land being taken out of food production for more than 25 years which, in turn, means less local produce and more environmentally unfriendly transport. 8. The unacceptable scale of these proposals will cause significant disruption to the area, including Conservation Areas and rights of way. 9. The ugly unsightly landscape caused by acres upon acres of solar panels will destroy the rural landscape. 10. The Newmarket Horseracing Industry and the continued investment of owners and others who visit the area will be reduced due to this overbearing and damaging development. 11. The use of highly specialised substances and rare earth materials (which are unlikely to be replaced i.e., not renewable) in the manufacture of the solar cells and batteries, means this development is not a sustainable proposal. 12. There will be a damaging impact on local water resources by the amount of water needed for maintenance of these immense solar farms. 13. The construction of this monstrous solar farm will cause a damaging impact on the surrounding areas of local countryside and farmland. In conclusion, I believe that this unprecedented proposal is far too large, overbearing, damaging and extensive for any area, let alone this important area surrounding Newmarket and we object to the disruption and impact it will have on the area, on people’s lives; and on habitat and wildlife all described above. This proposal is not environmentally friendly or sustainable and it certainly is not “green” development. It is a damaging blight on beautiful Suffolk farmland and our rural county.