Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Stephen Humphries

Date submitted
11 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to the Sunnica development on several fronts: - the size of the scheme is totally excessive and impacts many villages and communities, it will be like living inside a solar and battery plant, not next to it - related to the first bullet it is excessive and wrong that this will be 11 times larger than any other plant in the UK and impacting many communities - Sunnica has shown a high-handed, not consultative approach to any consultation and feedback and I would question indeed if they have followed all proper processes - it will result in high quality vegetable growing farmland being destroyed, reclassified to brownfield which could ultimately result in future building on land once solar plant has gone - given current world situation and concerns over future food supplies I would argue that keeping food-producing land is more important - I believe Sunnica motives are less about solar generation and more about getting cheap energy from the grid and then selling it back when it generates a profit - disruption over long time during construction utilising small country lanes used extensively by cyclists as well as cars - carbon footprint associated with supply of panels and questionable social responsibility in sourcing of panels (i.e. China / other countries known for poor / slave labour practices)