Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Deirdre Hyde

Date submitted
12 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Whilst I am a firm supporter of renewable energy sources I believe this project is a highly unsuitable development for this area. I have lived in the area for almost two years and seen the excellent vegetable crops that are grown, we need such produce to make UK as self sufficient as possible. Once it is gone it is hard to believe it will ever be retrieved. It is an area of small narrow roads which will suffer greatly by all the development traffic and make life in the area much more difficult and dangerous. It is hard to find any benefits to the local community in employment and incomers will add to the problems of housing in the area. I am shocked that this whole development seems to be to the benefit of a Spanish company who will be able to buy cheap electricity off the grid and then sell it back to the grid when the price is high generating huge profits for its foreign owners not UK or local residents. The extent of land to be used will form a most ghastly eyesore and I understand the battery storage units can catch fire and are highly dangerous. Finally it has a limited life span and I cannot believe this is something that should be left for our children and grandchildren to deal with. There has to be a site that is less wasteful of good land and where such a development is less intrusive and damaging to an area of agricultural value.