Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Philip Baker

Date submitted
12 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Concentrating solely on the need to mitigate the worst effects of Climate Change will lead to further problems in the future. At this time of impending national emergency over the threat of war, there is an equal imperative, which is to ensure this island can as near as possible sustain its food supply locally. This solar "farm" should be sited on brownfield sites rather than deprive the region of food production land. I have no confidence that the developers are competent to create the largest such development, or that adequate measures have been planned to ensure the safety of residents living close to the enormous battery storage facility, such as myself. There is little equipment on site and already the sound emitted is dreadful. This will only worsen. It fails on the main plank of its argument in that the lifetime global warming components exceed the short term emissions reduction. In other words, it is a net polluter and not a "green" solution. The developers have shown no interest in the local residents or their comfort os safety, only in making a quick profit. Previous attempts to railroad "green" plans (which this is not) through have failed once the authorities have examined the highly flawed arguments put in support. It is to be hoped that this one does too.