Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by David Andrew Clegg

Date submitted
13 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am writing to object to the proposed Sunnica development close to my village for the following reasons:- The sheer scale of this development in a rural community. Whilst recent events have highlighted the need to produce as much of our own energy as possible they have also highlighted the major issues with basic food chains around the world. This area of Est Anglia is one of the most highly mechanised and therefore cost effective areas of food production in this country. Existing solar farms have already reduced capacity for food production and this proposal will mean a significant reduction in available arable land which cannot be replaced elsewhere. The proposal also mentions the owner being responsible for the decommissioning of the site at the end of its 30/40 years span but can this easily be achieved and the land returned to its original use? My understanding is that the whole argument for the use of renewables is to reduce our carbon footprint but the sheer scale of this project results it is projected in an increase in our carbon footprint and not the required decrease. The proposed battery storage on site is extremely worrying as a local resident . there have been a number of instances of fire breaking out at these sites and all the fire authorities can do is allow the fires to burn themselves out releasing toxic gases into the environment. As small rural communities our fire services are not geared up nor funded to deal with such events. The building of this proposed development will result in a significant number of lorry movements on already busy minor roads. I have lived in Isleham for some 25 years and increased traffic volumes have been seen following recent housing developments in all local communities. The minor roads are now in the worse state that I have ever seen many built on fen soils which results in subsidence and cracking on a regular basis. Significant lorry movements will seriously increase the deterioration of these roads. I am not against solar energy as I have had solar panels on my roof for many years and am more that happy to recommend their benefits to friend and family but the use of prime agricultural land is a step too far in my view. Sunnica have also been very tardy at meeting with local residents and listening to their concerns which leads me to believe this is very much an opportunistic land grab using the difficulties of the Covid outbreak as an easy excuse for not fully engaging with local residents.