Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Brenda Downey

Date submitted
13 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am a very concerned Mum and Grandma letting this solar farm being built do close to my and surrounding villages. ..The danger of these units make me very frightened one will say now safe these batteries are ..because they are not...the short or long term of family are asthma suffers already and I know these batteries give of deadly is this good green energy.?..if there's a fire it has been said you stay in your house and close all now do we survive that ...what happens to the wildlife..the good soil they are on will never go back to being good soil....the good farm land which provides our many people already are struggling to keep jobs put food on there table for there eat just stay alive.. You are building the Isleham one on airman's's that right...This is not for the best of us village people way .all this is doing is lining the greegy men pockets.....who will build ..pat his pocket and walk away and do it some where else till all our beautiful country side is no more .... The government needs to step on ..stop companies like you..and give grants to help people put panels on all our building....shops.. factory..carparks..supermarkets..keep the fields crop green ...not green with your unhealthy dangerous green..... You and your company just tell can't be honest on any of your meetings....As one head teacher ask..this is safe for our children...