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Representation by Stephanie Mayall

Date submitted
13 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Climate change and the impact this will have on future generations is very much at the top of my immediate to action to do list. However, utilising highly productive, versatile, arable land in the area as a solar and battery power plant as proposed by Sunnica is not the best way. As external providers for our wheat is under threat due to the situation in Ukraine we need to become more self-sufficient while at the same time reducing the carbon footprint and to support the local community. I am definitely in favour of solar power and other renewable energies but surely using south-facing commercial rooftops and brownfield sites should be the first port of call for providing the UKs electricity requirements. Safety is also important to me and having a known fire risk and potential emitter of toxic gases in the proximity of residential areas especially near primary schools is an anathema to me. Contamination of protected water supplies and rivers during the installation and the decommissioning of the Sunnica Solar Panels. There have been a number of storms which have damaged various structures and these could damage the panels leading to a myriad of outcomes including toxic components entering the water supply. How can we see the work that is and has been done by so many people to increase the biodiversity of the wildlife by establishing and retaining the natural habitats within the area? Creating these solar sites will necessitate construction materials being moved onto the sites by HGVs disrupting the roads, fields and rivers and ditches. The movement of lorries and heavy construction traffic and digging of cable trenches will also affect the archaeological and heritage, including churches, listed buildings, conservation areas in the region. During the Covid-19 pandemic, local residents’ access to the fenlands has been found to be important in their mental health which is as crucial as their physical health.