Back to list Sunnica Energy Farm

Representation by Jon Jennings

Date submitted
13 March 2022
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to raise the following points in relation to the Sunnica application 1. The inadequacy of the public consultation and engagement undertaken in relation to this project. Whilst this project is a National Infrastructure Project the level of consultation is akin to that of a modest housing scheme. 2. Allied to the above is the failure of Sunnica to engage with the local community and actually listen and take into account their views 3. There are concerns as to what is the true extent of the scheme and what measures are in place to it growing exponentially once consent is granted i.e. seeking for sites between Burwell, Fordham etc being included. 4. what is the true capacity of the cable and what additional solar farms could be linked into it. 5. The actual scale and location of the solar farm needs to be fixed and the application of the Rochdale envelope is not appropriate and due to the level of information and trust which exists between the applicants and the wider community 6. Deliberate degradation of the environment and removal of landscape features over the past 2-3 years and has the bio-diversity net gain been designed to address this. 7. There should be a comprehensive scheme of permissive footpaths within and adjoining the scheme to offset the adverse impacts of the scheme. This is feasible as the land adjoining the site is controlled by the site owners/applicants. 8. Questions about the extent and reliability of the surveys undertaken particularly with regards to ecology. 9. Questions as to the way certain parts of the site are to be developed i.e. removal of top soil and areas of species rich breckland grassland and their replacement with a standard species mix. 10. Ensure that the proposed landscaping is properly maintained and protected for a period considerably in excess of the 40 years lifespan of the project. 11. Further details as to the programming of the project are required as well as proper details regarding delivery routes for HGVs and employees 12. Details of the demand for further battery storage at Burwell, bearing in mind this the sub-station site has already been subject to considerable expansion with the provision of numerous battery storage facilities. 13. What is the true CO2 measure of this facility, and are the CO2 levels being offset in the likely event that the solar panels are manufactured overseas and how many years will it take for the scheme to offset the carbon used in its installation. 14. How many houses will this scheme really provide power for and is it really to provide power at times of high demand at higher costs than meeting a true need for energy. 15. Questions are raised as what sites have really been assessed rather than the exercise appearing to be a fishing exercise to find landowners interested in their land being promoted.